Several archeological sites, medieval abbeys, a beautiful landscape with two volcanic lakes and a great offer of certified wine and food specialities…

The ancient Appian Way is one of the oldest roads still in use today, it dates back to the year 312 BC and it was extremely advanced for the time, so well done that it still resists more than 2000 years later and still deserves the nickname of “queen of the roads” (Regina Viarum). 

Seriously threatened by decadence, abandon and – in recent decades – speculation, it was partially saved from obliteration by the denunciation of the journalist Antonio Cederna whom we owe the creation of the “protected area” around the road starting from 1988. Now the Park of the Appian Way is an oasis surrounded by the modern city and full of interest for archeological, historical and naturalistic reasons. There is so much to explore, from catacombs to Roman villas and Christian sanctuaries and you can easily spend a whole day there (but this venue is so close to the centre of Rome that even an half day tour is possible). Decide your mean of transportation: by bike, on horseback,  on your feet for an urban trekking or by van and let’s go! 

Complete your day trip:

archaeo fans

The Park is an heaven for archeo fans, we can ask for special openings at the tomb of the Scipioni or the tombs along the Via Latina, visit the Appian Gate,  the mausoleum of Caecilia Metella, the Circus of Maxentius, the magnificent Villa of the Quintili brothers with its complex of private baths and reach the Park of the Aqueducts cut through by the unique arches of the Roman countryside. 

nature lovers and active travellers

Trekking at the Caffarella, bike rides or a horse back ride feeling like an ancient Roman listening to the sound of the hooves on the basaltic stones… these are all ways to enjoy the natural landscape of this area, protected for 7 miles. Interesting stop is also at the ancient spring related to the nymph Egeria, with the mythical tales of the origins of Rome!

Watchtowers and ruins of medieval fortresses scattered all around the park are also evocative elements of this landscape. 

spiritual travellers

It’s easy to discover the origins of Christianity here. The first martyrs, saints  and popes were buried and worshipped for centuries in the catacombs and in paleo-christian churches: Saint Sebastian, Saint Callixtus, Domitilla. Interesting legends also started here, including the one related to the little church with a peculiar name,  “Quo Vadis?” which literally means “Where are you going?”

Also, Jewish catacombs can be opened upon request.



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