Three major villas are located here: the ancient Hadrian’s villa, the Renaissance Villa d’Este with spectacular fountains and the less known Villa Gregoriana.
Tivoli, 25 km from Rome, is where the Aniene River forms spectacular waterfalls. This cozy town enjoys a cooler climate and has been a resort area for Rome’s elite since the ancient times. In fact, one of its main attraction is Villa Adriana, the massive palace of emperor Hadrian. Walk through brick ruins, fragments of marble floors and columns: your guide will bring all this to life helping you see what daily life of the highest class in the Imperial Age was like. The archeological park, surrounded by olive trees as far as the eyes can see, is fascinating beyond expectations.
Complete your day trip:
curious wanderers
On top of the hill lies the medieval centre of Tivoli, where the UNESCO World Heritage Villa D’Este is ready to impress with its Renaissance gardens and fountains. Especially on a hot summer day, it provides cooling relief!
nature lovers
and active travellers
Tivoli also boasts the interesting Villa Gregoriana. It was commissioned by the Pope in 1835 in an effort to rebuild the Aniene River bed after a devastating flood. The result is a charming park abounding with greenery, manicured gardens, caves and waterfalls. This is a good option if you like a short hiking experience where you can discover wild nature that Grand Tour artists marvelled at, mixing archeology, nature and literature.